Cathedral on the square where I was sitting as I typed
I had already wrote about Bobby Battistone going to a store every day to get chicken. Well, others started going as well and she wanted to know about us. Through that, she became interested enough and was at the church dedication on sabbath! Bobby wants to start a better ministry through meat program next year!
The Chicken Lady in the green jacket at Church
During the lunch with the church yesterday, they presented me with a very nice copper engraving of a map of Chile. It was very touching for them to do that and it is much appreciated.
We had a few challenges with the bus yesterday. We took the bus we had been using all week from Cabrero yesterday and that was fine. When we got to Chillan, we turned into the bus company depot. The owner met us and was angry about changes and the amount of luggage. He wanted to argue and have us pay for another bus. Tito shut him down and said we weren't going to negotiate on the Sabbatha and that we were fine with putting the luggage in the back. The owner still wasn't happy and said that if we got stopped by the police, we were on our own because apparently it is not legal to have bags inside the bus! Well, no police, but one wrong turn and a few hours later, we arrived at the Gran Hotel at Termas de Chillan. Everyone was very glad to get there.
Discussions with the bus company owner
The "false" hotel. Everyone was ready to kill me when they thought this was the hotel!
The hotel was beautiful and the food was great as well, especially for the meat eaters that didn't get their fill during the week. We were able to get a meeting room and had our meeting and one of the hotel employees explained the activities for today.
The real Gran Hotel at Termas de Chillan. A very beautiful place.
Ed Dewar with the nasty fish head that he and Ray Wolff ate.
After a final late night card game (which I finally won!) I got a good nights rest, but really missed rachael. The hotel was very nice and had big rooms.
The final Uno game. You can actually see Claudell cheating in this picture by looking at Glenn's cards.
I convinced Tito to go running this morning with me. We were going to do 3 miles, but neither of us accounted for the altitude, which was about 5200 feet in elevation. I haven't ran for about 2 weeks, so I wasn't in great shape. That combined with the week and the altitudes kicked our butts. We only ran about 1.8 miles. It was a good workout and a good way to see some of the beautiful scenery along the golf course that we ran on.
The view from the hotel window.
I will post more later.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
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