We had a great worship tonight and said goodbye to our hosts at the hotel. They are very nice and appreciative. We had a great housing and food situation. I have heard no real complaints about either.

Final worship at the hotel
Rodrigo and his wife - they made us very welcome and comfortable
We got done with work early so a lot of people jumped in the pool before dinner. Still cold, but not as cold as late at night like I did to make good on my promise the other night.

Team members in the pool after a hard week of work
We got done with work early so a lot of people jumped in the pool before dinner. Still cold, but not as cold as late at night like I did to make good on my promise the other night.

Team members in the pool after a hard week of work
The weather has been fantastic every day. It starts out cool/cold (around 40-45) and warms up to 75-80. No rain at all and little wind. Great working conditions.
We also had a great team that worked together and didn't have any arguments or short tempers. I am very thankful for that because we really had to switch everyone around again on their job roles.
We learned a lot about the brick churches. If we do another one, we will be better prepared. Different tools, different techniques, etc.
We don't know yet where we will be headed next year, assuming we do a trip. I am sure God will make it clear. Our options look like they include Chile, Mozambique and maybe Mexico. Nothing is scheduled yet for the March timeframe yet, so we don't have any direction yet.
We are looking forward to the church dedication and a well-deserved rest for a few days. We are sad to say goodbye to my Uncle Roger and Ellie, who have been with us all week. It is great to see him for an extended period of time and to be able to work with him. Ellie was a huge help to our VBS crew. Roger and Ellie leave tomorrow to go lead another project in Chile.
Ellie (far left) at VBS in her western gear!
Roger and me at the church on Sabbath
Roger and Darrell Hardy (Darrell is in the green shirt through the doorway). Darrell is in charge of all Latin American construction and spent some time at our job site.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.
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