Sunday, July 29, 2012

Safely home!

We have landed in Houston after a safe trip. Thanks for all of your prayers.
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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Night entertainment in Managua

We had a good bus ride to Managua. Outside of unexpected construction delays, we had a fun time on the bus. We had a microphone and speaker, so we had a few game bible game shows led by Michaela. It was a lot of fun.

We got to our hotel and everyone loves the air conditioning and hot water. Our meal was great and we had a wonderful last night worship. We got commitment from all of the youth that they want to make it an annual event so we will start recruiting and planning for next July. I am so happy that they want to do this again. We had a great group and they are the leaders for next year.

We are now playing our last game of mafia. The team has changed the rules and added new players and it is accent night. Very funny.

Last Sabbath with church

We are on our way to Managua after a wonderful church service.

We had a bible study as a group and then we got a chance to hear some of the songs the kids leaned during childrens ministry during the week. It was wonderful to see and hear their enthusiastic voices singing and doing the hand motions.

The local youth group then performed a funny skit. It was in Spanish and even though we couldn't understand, it was well done and got the point across. The best part is that one of the performers was Jimmy, one of the workers on the job site.

The pastor called me outside and asked if I could do him a favor and then asked if I could preach the sermon.

I have been asked his a lot over the years and have always declined because i am not a pastor nor did I have any sermons ready. Well, last year after the mission trip, God inspired me to get a sermon prepared in case I ever needed one. With Gods help and some input from Tito, I prepared on about six months ago. I had never even given a dry run ..... Until today.

I told he pastor yes and got ready. Needless to say I was a bit nervous but once I got started God took over and got me through it. It was very hot in church and I always sweat a little more when I am speaking in front of a group so I was soaked by the time we were done. God is good though.

We said goodbye to all of our new friends, ate lunch and packed up the bus for the long drive to Managua. We are staying at a hotel near the airport for our flight in the morning.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Last day on the job site

Our work and children's ministry crew both completed their work successfully today. Some of the children's team came to the job site to work this morning as well.

While there, we placed prayers for the school in the wall before we poured concrete. We also gave team shirts to the Maranatha workers that were with us all week at the site, along with the bus driver.

We completed all of our walls and cleaned the building. Another group will be here next week and the last group is coming in September. We can't wait to see the final building when it is ready for children in December.

After we were done, the tarps started busting again. Cole bought a slingshot at the market and got a chance to try it out. We had a few waterfalls going and two of the team members drug me under for an unexpected shower!

For the first trip with our young people, I am very pleased. Everyone did a great job and we made he progress we needed to. For having so many (22) first time missionaries, God did great things through us.

Here are a few pictures of our last day.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A day without rain

We had a great day at the job site. We didn't have hardly any rain and made great progress. We got more done by 2 pm than we did all yesterday.

Today was our excursion day so we left at two and let the group walk through town. It was a nice day to do that since we had very little rathe children's ministry team had 120 kids today. That is their high for the week!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Another rainy day

We had a VERY rainy day at the job site. It was pouring rain when we arrived and didn't stop till around 2 pm. That slowed up progress all day.

We started one new wall today. However, there was so much water on the floor we couldn't lay any block. Sweeping the water away didn't work so Charmaine came up with the idea to create a dam around the wall, which enabled us to lay the wall. Truly a first!

We have tarps on the roof and they tend to collect water between the rafters. So, when they get full, they can break the ropes or pop the tarp. Sometimes we poke holes just to relieve the pressure before it breaks.

Well, we had all of the above happen. Cole is our designated hole-maker. He has gotten good at throwing rocks and making holes. As you can see from the pictures, there are a lot of them. Cole decided to take a "shower" under one of the streams of water.

Around 1 in the afternoon, half of the tarp gave way soaking quite a few folks. We had to stop work till we got the pressure relieved and it was safe to work again. We fell a little behind as a result. Still made good progress though.

More to come tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Halfway through the week

We have made it halfway through our work week safely. We have ten of our group that were splitting time between the construction site and the children's ministry. So this was the last day on the job site for five our team and we will have a few new people tomorrow.

We made great progress on the job site. We almost finished two of the high walls and completed one of the dividing walls. We will get all of jose done tomorrow and have two walls left.

Our children's ministry team had another 75 children today. The schools are running morning and afternoon so there are different children each day.

So far everyone is safe and doing well and are blessed by the ministry they are performing.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Second construction day

We had a great day at the job site. We didn't have any rain during the day, although we had a huge thunderstorm at 3:30 this morning. The tarps held up pretty well and didn't have any issues.

We made good progress and got done with two walls and got up to the 11th course on the two walls we started from the ground up. No injuries and not a lot of heat. A very good day.

The children's ministry group started today. After trouble getting the church open, they had a great day with the kids. They ended up with 75 kids. They will see how the schedule works out for tomorrow.

The pastor had our worship tonight. It was very inspiring as he told about the story of how the town raised the money for their portion of the school. It was a very moving devotional.

We are looking forward to a great day tomorrow.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

....and on the 8th day,God created tarps

I was woke up this morning to a bird chirping right outside my window at 5 am. It stopped.....and I know why. The skies opened up and rain poured out. It had done this yesterday and then stopped after an hour or so.

Well, today it didn't stop. It rained hard till 2 pm. We finally got to the job site after waiting on the bus.

We knew it was going to rain so we purchased tarps and had them shipped down in advance. The workers only had part of them up when we got there do had to get the rest of them on in the rain.

We started working in the rain. We had the toughest part of any wall, the first course. It was especially tough with water pooling and running across the floor.

Eric and Cole did an admirable job under the circumstances and got it laid after a few challenges.

As you can see from the pictures the tarps held up pretty well, but had some challenges and some holes developed. However, God is good and we made it through. The team did great today especially because most of them are first time missionaries. We got about five courses done on every wall.

We have a good routine going and will make great progress tomorrow.

Our children's ministry team for organized today and will start their work tomorrow.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Church service in Nueva Guinea

We had a very nice bible study and church service today at the central church in town. They have been praying every morning at 5:00 in the morning for the building project we are part of. They invited us to join them. They are also baptizing 6 people next Sabbath and want us to join them!

Friday, July 20, 2012

First night worship

We made it safely to nueva guinea and are checked into the hotel. After a few issues with lights and water, we are settled in. Ernie and Renee had to move to four different rooms to get one that worked, but they are in good shape now.

We had our first meal and our worship. We are getting to know each other better and getting ready for church tomorrow.

Here is a picture of us at worship.

Safely in Nicaragua

We made it safely to Nicaragua and through the airport. Everyone got their bags. Dehkontee had her bag searched but no one else had problems.

We are now on the bus and are halfway to nueva guinea.

In the plane and on the way

Everyone made it safely to the airport and made it on the plane. Pray that we have a safe and quick flight and arrival in Managua!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Youth mission trip to nicaragua

16 of our youth and 18 adults are leaving tomorrow to go to Nueva Guinea Nicaragua. Once there, we will help with building a school and conduct a children's ministry program. We will do our best to post on a daily basis and send pictures and updates.

Please keep the group in your prayers for safety and for God's leading on the trip.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Safely back in Houston

We arrived safely (and even early!) back in houston. No issues in the airport. I was the one person picked for a random search of my bags--not once, not twice but three times! I had my checked luggage searched and then at security I was patted down and had my carry on searched. Finally at the gate, I had my carry on searched (again) and was patted down.

Very uneventful flight (and bus ride to the airport) so God is good!

This has been a fantastic trip and I will post some pictures/video when I can.
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On the way to the airport

We were awakened last night to torrential downpours. God was good and held off the rain till we were done with our work!

However, it made for a wet morning getting our suitcases to the bus. We finally got on board with only five minutes off schedule.

We had a bit of a scare a few minutes into the drive. A truck was coming the other way and we heard a large bang and crash. We thought it was a tire, but turned out that the truck passed so close, it hit the driver side mirror and shattered it! A little too close for comfort.
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Excursion day and last day of work

On Sunday, a group of five of us went back to the jobsite to finish the windows on the school. Actually, four of us started. Robert was sick at breakfast and I didn't think he was going so we left. He came out a few minutes later, got a taxi and joined us! The five of us then worked all morning to complete them and headed back. To get back, we walked into town and got three wheeled taxis to the hotel. If you have never ridden one before, it is like riding a dirt bike with a big covered seat in the back. Our two drivers decided to race each other down a dirt road. We have video we will post later.

The rest of the group either stayed at the hotel or went to a national park for hiking. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, although I am not sure Barb intended to go all the way to the top of the mountain. Nate gets the Mountain Goat award for running up and down the mountain--twice!

In the afternoon, we all went to a waterfall and river nearby. About 15 of us decided to go on a guided walk to caves behind the waterfall sounded interesting. What we didn't realize is that involved literally walking through the waterfall! It was an intense experience. I will try to post pictures later--we had a waterproof camera so we will see how it performed.

We had our final meeting and went over logistics for monday. The school administrator invited us to play volleyball and basketball with the kids, so a group of us went over. We lost a game of volleyball, but won at basketball.

We have had a great trip thus far and God has protected us and worked through us. We also have a great team!
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Saturday, March 03, 2012

Sabbath at La Torre and the Orphanage

We had an awesome day! We started off with church at La Torre, which is where we conducted the VBS program. The church was full of the kids from the program. We did two of the songs they learned with the whole church.

Once church was complete, we headed back for lunch. We then prepared for taking our vbs program to an orphanage in the area. Everyone in the group wanted to go and help with the program. That was very helpful. We spent the afternoon with 70 kids from the orphanage and clinic. They were all so excited and a lot of our group also brought donated items to have the leaders distribute. We also gave away 30 dresses that our youth at West Houston made. The girls were very happy with their new dresses!! It was a great afternoon.

We have our plan for tomorrow. A few of us are going to finish a few things on the school and the rest are going to the national park.
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Friday report

We had a great day on Friday on the jobsite. We got all of the blockwork done on the bathrooms and put the roof on. We also got all but a few windows installed on the classrooms.

I was very proud of our team and how they pitched in to get everything done. Everyone did what was needed regardless. Of their job assignment. When God puts a task in front of us, he will equip us and provide the right spirit to accomplish his work.

Our VBS team completed their program as well. They had close to a 100 kids again. A lot of them are from the community and don't go to church, so this was a great outreach.

We ended our day with a great worship. We had quite a few of our volunteers give their testimony as to why they volunteer and how they cam to be on the trip. It never ceases to amaze me as to how God works to involve us in His work.
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Friday, March 02, 2012

Completed classroom

Here is one of the completed classrooms. We got them both completed except for five of the windows

Work group picture in front of bathroom

We finished the bathroom today and got the roof on

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Thursday report

Our vbs team had another good day. They had 95 kids today and didn't have any issues. It was a nice sunny day so they could have their activities outside.

We got a lot done at the school today. We got all of the siding on the classrooms and some of the windows installed. We got all of the bathroom stalls completed and half of the dividing wall and storage closet.

We still have 6 courses and the roof to put on. We may not finish tomorrow. If we don't, we may have to work on sunday rather than go on our excursion. The group all seems willing to finish.

We had a great worship tonight. We had a lot of folks give their testimony as to why they are on the trip. It reminded me of a question one of my clients asked me: why not use the money that the volunteers spend for the trip (around 1500 per person) to send money down to have locals build the school. It was a good question that I had been asked before. One of the reasons is that these trips are ultimately more about building people rather than buildings. We spend this time away from our normal lives with other believers growing in Christ. We come back with a renewed spirit for Christ and a reminder of how blessed we really are in our daily lives. That is one of the key benefits from us going as volunteers, in addition to a real connection with the people we go to help.

Here are some pictures from today.

EZ Reeves-- strong like bull

Eliel reeves found a new way to carry block.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our wednesday report

We are halfway through our trip and have met our goals this far.

Our vbs group had another good day. They had over 90 children again today. They are getting into a rhythm with their helpers and with the kids. We are also considering conducting the program for a nearby orphanage on Sabbath.

We got the roof on both classrooms and half of the siding on one of the rooms. We also got half of the stall walls completed today. Unfortunately, we only got two courses done on the middle section. It is the most difficult block laying because of all of the plumbing. As my luck would have it, the walls weren't plumbed and laid out precisely, so we had to do a lot of cutting. Ray Wolff and I spent most of the day getting just those two done. However, the tough part is over and we should be able to move more quickly tomorrow.

We had all of our team back today after one was sick yesterday. Thank the Lord that we have been injury and sickness free!

Here are a few pictures of our progress.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A rainy third day

We had a great day, albeit rainy. We did get all of the outside block walls up and grouted! It was a lot of work and we stayed late to get it done. The team did a great job and stayed in there! We had about a 30 minute period of heavy rain that stopped our progress. Unfortunately we don't have the roof on yet, so we had to huddle in a tool shed till the heavy rain passed.

The vbs crew had 104 kids today. They had the same rain challenges we did, so they had to adapt and conduct some of the program inside the church. They did a great job and the kids are enjoying themselves immensely.

We have a picture of the completed outer walls. We have a lot of work still to do, but have a great halfway point.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Second work day report

We had a great second day of work and first day of children's ministry. The team had 82 kids for their first day and will surely have a lot more tomorrow. They have great helpers from the church and all of the kids enjoyed themselves.

We made a lot of progress on the jobsite as well. We got all done with the eighth course and halway through the ninth! We also got all of the trusses on one schoolroom and ready to set on the second. We are on schedule at this point.

Our group is meshing well and everyone is getting to know each other better. We have a good group that is willing to pitch in to get the work done.

Here are some pictures of our progress.

End of Monday photos

Here is our progress at then end of day two. We got the trusses set for one of the classrooms and ready on the second.

We also completed all of the eighth course and half of the ninth for the bathrooms. We are making great progress!

Laying down on the job

Gino, Ray and Claudell laying down on the job. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves........

Sunday, February 26, 2012

First day successes

We had a great start to our work week. We got four courses of block done on the bathrooms, tied the rebar and poured the concrete. Tomorrow, we will set up the scaffolds and start laying more block.
We got all of the trusses made and the wall structures in place for the classrooms. They made great progess today.

The weather was great today. Not too hot and we had a nice breeze all day. We only had one injury. Roxie Wolff slipped on a block and fell. Nothing major, but she has sore ribs. Her two sons are taking good care of her!

Our childrens ministry team met with the local church members and are organized for tomorrow. The church is very energized and ready to go.

Glenn Pringle arrived safely AND he was able to get Barbaras bag from the airport. A little scary that he could just walk out with it, but she is glad nonetheless.

More to report tomorrow.
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Fast start to the week

We had a great start to our work week. We got four courses of block done on the bathrooms, tied the rebar and poured the concrete. Tomorrow, we will set up the scaffolds and start laying more block.
We got all of the trusses made and the wall structures in place for the classrooms. They made great progess today.

The weather was great today. Not too hot and we had a nice breeze all day. We only had one injury. Roxie Wolff slipped on a block and fell. Nothing major, but she has sore ribs. Her two sons are taking good care of her!

Our childrens ministry team met with the local church members and are organized for tomorrow. The church is very energized and ready to go.

Glenn Pringle arrived safely AND he was able to get Barbaras bag from the airport. A little scary that he could just walk out with it, but she is glad nonetheless.

More to report tomorrow. The pictures are of our progress today.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sabbath at the school

We arrived at the hotel on Friday at around 4 pm. After we got everyone to their rooms, we all went over to the school and viewed our worksite. It had a nice breeze, so we hope that continues! They already had the steel up for the bathrooms, so we don't need to do that on Sunday. The other two classrooms are right next to it so we are all in the same area. The Maranatha foreman is Edward. We worked with him last year and in Chile, so we know each other well.

After we viewed the site (and Gino and Claudell helped unload sand) we headed to the hotel and had dinner. We had worship and then went through introductions. We have a mix of veterans and first time missionaries. Part of the trip is to get to know each other. Our stories, our faith and our experiences will help build each other in Christ.

We all had a good nights rest. We went to church at the school. We had a great bible study. We were fortunate enough to have one of the teachers translate the sermon for those of us that don't understand spanish!

After church, we ate with the students in the cafeteria. Afterwards, the manager, Henry, gave us an overview of the school, its ministry and future. The school is celebrating 50 years of existence in July. They have 485 students and are overflowing. The work we are part of will allow them to double their capacity and extend their ministry.

The school is very excited to have us there and is willing to help however they can. We have three of their bilingual students that will help with translations for the childrens ministry.

We are at the hotel now and people are relaxing, getting ready for the children's ministry or enjoying the hotel grounds.

The pictures are of our group heading to the job site and of Henry.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Safely in Honduras

Our team arrived safely in San Pedro Sula and we are on our way to Pena Blanca. Everyone got the luggage except for Barb, who didn't get one of her bags. They say they will deliver when it arrives.

The day is beautiful and we are on our way!
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On our way to Honduras

Our groups are all in the airport and ready to go--except one. Glenn will join us on Sunday as he had an emergency he had to take care of.

The rest of us are in Houston and Atlanta airports ready for our mission experience. Old friends meet and new friends are made awaiting for the trip to begin.

Please keep the group in your prayers for safety and for God's leading on this trip. I will do my best to keep updates on the blog.
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Friday, February 17, 2012

Pena Blanca Honduras Mission trip Information

We are about to embark on our next Mission journey.  On February 24th, 28 volunteer missionaries will travel to Pena Blanca, Honduras to help with expanding a school campus and conducting children's ministries in the town.

The school currently is out of space and doesn't have enough room to accommodate all the students who want to learn.  The entire project will double their existing capacity and help kick-start their bi-lingual educational program.

We will be the first of many groups there.  The way that the campus will expand is with a series of what we call One Day Classrooms (ODC for short).  A picture is included.  We will construct 2-3 of these ODS structures during our time.  In addition, we will construct a room that EVERYONE will use.  What is the one room that EVERY child will use every day?.........

That's right, we get to build one of the bathrooms!  Our group will build the block structure that will house the bathroom for one of the groups of ODC structures.  Not glamorous, but will be used every day.

In addition, we have a group that will lead out in a children's ministry outreach in one of the neighborhoods near the school.  This outreach is always very impactful and helps build the community and tell the children about God's love for them.

We will do our best to update this blog on a daily basis, pending internet or cell phone connection availability.  Please keep the group in your prayers as God is leading and working through us.  None of us our professional construction workers, but with God's help, we will accomplish our goal.
