Saturday, March 22, 2008
Team update and last post for the trip
Some of the team decided to wait for their flights and arrived in Houston after lengthy delays. The earliest group arrived at around 1 pm and their luggage arrived after 2:30. Others didn't arrive till much later.
A few intrepid souls went to rent cars to drive to Houston. Thanks to Renee Schirra and her Hertz Gold Club membership, some were able to actually rent cars.
At the end, after much adventure, everyone did arrive safely in their destinations.
Since I wasn't at the excursion hotel on Sunday / Monday, I don't have anything to post about the team's activities, but I know that several went on hikes, canopy rides and horseback riding.
We had a great group and God blessed us on the trip. We hope to see everyone again next year if God leads us to have a trip.
Thanks again.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Safe arrivals in houston
I will provide one final update once the group arrives tomorrow and pictures sometime over the next week.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
The day of miracles
Then, when we arrived, I went to the taxi line and was waiting. There was only one guy in front of me when one taxi pulled up. He started to put his bags in, but then took them out and waved me over to take his cab! No explanation, just gave it to me.
I made it through the airport just fine and got checked in. I had to rearrange my backpack before going through security and went through.
I had dinner and did a little shopping. I went to turn my laptop off and put my contacts in and reached into my bag, only to camera. My heart sank and immediately literally started sweating! I have some great pictures that I would be very sad to lose.
So I busted it to the gate and asked if they could call security to see if they had found any cameras. Keep in mind I had rearranged my bag right outside of security. They asked what type of camera and I told them. They said that they had one there and would breing it by. This was with about 20 minutes till takeoff. So, I had to sweat out the longest 10 minutes of my life while they brought it by. It was mine, thank God! I got it and ran onto the plane, happy for another miracle! Who turns cameras in anymore?
Well, here's hoping for a good, restful flight. I hope I don't need any more miracles to get to houston!
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Elena to the rescue!
Elena then took me to the train station. When we got there, they said they didn't have any space on the train to Santiago from Chillan. They could only book me to San Fernando, which is 100 kilometers away from santiago. So, Elena helped me purchase the ticket and we talked to the conductor to ask if I could just stand up for the last 100 km. The conductor was great, smiled and said no problem, he would take care of me. So, problem solved thanks to Elena and God. Now, I just need to get there and to the airport!
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Leaving chillan

Cathedral on the square where I was sitting as I typed
I had already wrote about Bobby Battistone going to a store every day to get chicken. Well, others started going as well and she wanted to know about us. Through that, she became interested enough and was at the church dedication on sabbath! Bobby wants to start a better ministry through meat program next year!
The Chicken Lady in the green jacket at Church
During the lunch with the church yesterday, they presented me with a very nice copper engraving of a map of Chile. It was very touching for them to do that and it is much appreciated.
We had a few challenges with the bus yesterday. We took the bus we had been using all week from Cabrero yesterday and that was fine. When we got to Chillan, we turned into the bus company depot. The owner met us and was angry about changes and the amount of luggage. He wanted to argue and have us pay for another bus. Tito shut him down and said we weren't going to negotiate on the Sabbatha and that we were fine with putting the luggage in the back. The owner still wasn't happy and said that if we got stopped by the police, we were on our own because apparently it is not legal to have bags inside the bus! Well, no police, but one wrong turn and a few hours later, we arrived at the Gran Hotel at Termas de Chillan. Everyone was very glad to get there.
Discussions with the bus company owner
The "false" hotel. Everyone was ready to kill me when they thought this was the hotel!
The hotel was beautiful and the food was great as well, especially for the meat eaters that didn't get their fill during the week. We were able to get a meeting room and had our meeting and one of the hotel employees explained the activities for today.
The real Gran Hotel at Termas de Chillan. A very beautiful place.
Ed Dewar with the nasty fish head that he and Ray Wolff ate.
After a final late night card game (which I finally won!) I got a good nights rest, but really missed rachael. The hotel was very nice and had big rooms.
The final Uno game. You can actually see Claudell cheating in this picture by looking at Glenn's cards.
I convinced Tito to go running this morning with me. We were going to do 3 miles, but neither of us accounted for the altitude, which was about 5200 feet in elevation. I haven't ran for about 2 weeks, so I wasn't in great shape. That combined with the week and the altitudes kicked our butts. We only ran about 1.8 miles. It was a good workout and a good way to see some of the beautiful scenery along the golf course that we ran on.
The view from the hotel window.
I will post more later.
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
Church dedication

Our entire group at Church on Sabbath
When we were eating breakfast, it was raining. We were thanking God that he held the rain off all week until we were done with the construction. It rained until about 10:30, so we benefited from the newly placed roof!

Church service in the new Church - with roof to protect from the rain!
Mark Murray led our sabbath school sevice and we had 5 people give testimonies about how the trip has affected them. We had a wonderful Chilean quartet of a father and three sons for special music.
David Spencer Jr. giving his testimony during Sabbath School
Chilean quartet with father and three sons
Renee Schirra with her VBS attendees showing what they learned during the week
Pastor Tito preached a powerful sermon and we had three baptisms in the new church. One gentleman came to the meetings all week and wanted to be baptized today. His house and business burned down a few weeks ago and he realized his need to lean on God.
Pastor Tito preaching
Pastor Tito with all three baptismal candidates
The gentleman whose house and business burned down after baptism
At lunch, the baptized gentleman wouldn't let go of the new bible we gave him. He lost his bible in the fire.
The pastor called for others to make a commitment to baptism and we had six people come forward to give their lives to the Lord, so the Cabrero church is already growing.
Maranatha produces a half-hour TV program called Maranatha Mission Stories. They air on religious channels and you can now download as podcasts from for free. The host, Dick Duerksen happened to be in Chile today. When he heard from Roger and Darrell Hardy that we were dedicating the completed church and having baptisms, they rushed over and filmed the service. After church was over, he interviewed the Cabrero pastor, Juan Vera (the gentleman that loaned Tito the car) and myself at the actual church. We then went to a potluck lunch with the church members. Dick and his team are going to be at Chillan and will interview Tito and other team members for our very own Maranatha Mission Story! They will let us know when it will be aired. You can order free copies from and we will let you know how when it airs.
Dick Duerksen interviewing Juan Vera in the back of the Cabrero church
Juan Vera during his interview discussing the church and the miracle of the car
Our group having a potluck lunch served by the church. I am happy to report, no cheese and no illnesses!
We have realy enjoyed our stay in Cabrero and what God accomplished through us. We are now looking forward to a little rest before we head back.
I leave for home to be with Rachael tomorrow. I will be sad to leave our group, but happy to see Rachael. We really had a great group and team. I enjoyed everyones spirit and cooperation on this trip. I pray that I am able to get my way to the airport.
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Final report

We got done with work early so a lot of people jumped in the pool before dinner. Still cold, but not as cold as late at night like I did to make good on my promise the other night.

Team members in the pool after a hard week of work
The weather has been fantastic every day. It starts out cool/cold (around 40-45) and warms up to 75-80. No rain at all and little wind. Great working conditions.
We also had a great team that worked together and didn't have any arguments or short tempers. I am very thankful for that because we really had to switch everyone around again on their job roles.
We learned a lot about the brick churches. If we do another one, we will be better prepared. Different tools, different techniques, etc.
We don't know yet where we will be headed next year, assuming we do a trip. I am sure God will make it clear. Our options look like they include Chile, Mozambique and maybe Mexico. Nothing is scheduled yet for the March timeframe yet, so we don't have any direction yet.
We are looking forward to the church dedication and a well-deserved rest for a few days. We are sad to say goodbye to my Uncle Roger and Ellie, who have been with us all week. It is great to see him for an extended period of time and to be able to work with him. Ellie was a huge help to our VBS crew. Roger and Ellie leave tomorrow to go lead another project in Chile.
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The team cleaning the brick after the concrete was poured. We had a challenge in that we didn't get the concrete off the brick soon enough (only one water hose) and the team had to scrub all afternoon. We will do this differently in the future.
Exterior of the completed church
Interior of the completed church
Edward and me. Edward was the Maranatha foreman. He did a great job and was a joy to work with - I think he appreciated my attempts at spanish.
Me addressing the team on the bus ride on the way back to the hotel
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Daily report
We dispensed at least 80 people for glasses-some with entire families.
Medical team treated 98 people.
Bobby and Ernie went to a store and got an entire chicken each and ate it for lunch.
Ernie, Renee and John enjoying their chicken.
I did jump in the pool after worship. It was absolutely freezing! We will post video when we get back.

Signs you need a tan: Frighteningly white chest - check. Highly visible tan lines from golf and work - check.
As promised, humiliating video. It is very dark, but wait for the countdown and you can see the white flash going into the pool. The video got cut, so the second part follows.
We played mafia tonight as our activity. Per usual, claudell did a great job!

Claudell leading out in Mafia.
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Completed two walls!
We were only at 10 this morning and as a motivation, I told the crew to think of a humiliating or other task I could do as a reward if we got up to 14 today. I said I would have shaved my head, but had already done that! Leigh came up with a good one and suggested that I jump in the pool at night when it was cold. I said it was a good idea and that if we did get at least one to 14 while the others were at at least 13, I would do it. Looks like I am swimming tonight!
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Mid-week report
We got done with the tenth course today. Not where we wanted to get to, but pretty close. We really need to get done with all 14 courses in order to complete the church. If God is willing, we will get done!
We had a great worship tonight by John Garofalo that put things in perspective. If God is behind this, nothing will get in our way.
Our food and lodging situation has been great. This is one of the best locations we have stayed.
Joanna says she can fly.
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Monday, March 10, 2008
Safe arrivals
The medical team had a succesful day. They were at a handicap center today. The dental team treated 16 patients, they dispensed over 100 glasses and the medical team saw 50 patients. The VBS team started today and had 52 kids! Tito had over 120 people each night for the meetings.
The medical and dental team with the banner advertising their work
Dr. Dewar getting his (small) workspace ready
The handicap center where the team worked today
VBS attendees
Our VBS team leading out
We don't have any phone access and our cards aren't working. So, Bobby and Michelle want Isabeau to know that they will call her when they can.
We did well on the job site today. We got the window frames set, rebar extended and all of 7 and half of 8 done. We made good progress, but had to slow down to make sure we had good quality and that the work was clean.
Our team hard at work on the baptistry. I think our grout team (and everyone that helped) was ready to shoot me when the realized how long it takes to fill EVERY little hole in the brick with concrete. Luckily, we only had to fill six levels.
The church at the end of the day - with windows set
The team playing Uno after a hard day