Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Almost completed

Our medical team is doing great work. They saw over 50 patients today and completed a couple of procedures. They are also able to share Jesus with their patients as well. 

Our vbs team has about 30 to 45 kids each day. The kids are really enjoying themselves and the crafts. It is a blessing that we only have that many kids because we have a small team. 

We almost have the block work on the church completed. We finished the outer walls and got the scaffold torn down.  We have about four courses of block and the roof to complete. God willing we will complete it all and clean the church tomorrow. 

We have had great weather. It got a little warm today in the early afternoon. One of the crews was really getting overheated so we rotated them out.  

The team is really doing well and working well together. Our evening worships have been great and have built our team atmosphere. 

Here are some pictures of the job site. 

And here is our mascot

1 comment:

angela | the painted house said...

Looking great--and so happy to hear all is going well and you all are safe! Praying for you all!