Thursday, September 20, 2007

On our way to Chile

We are on the plane in Atlanta getting ready to depart for Santiago. We have about a 9.5 hour flight ahead of us. I hope to sleep for most of it, we will see.

Pasto Tito Charneco from the West Houston church is with me as well. He is planning on conducting an evangelistic series and is going to lay the ground work.

We will have a 4 hour train ride on Friday when we arrive, so we hope to make it through customs quickly.

I will do my best to keep the group updated as we make our jouney and gather information for the trip. Continue to pray for us and that God will show his leading and howour trip should take place next year.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is 9:44pm Thursday night - Texas time - hope you guys are having fun on the plane (watching a movie or catching some sleep)

I miss you Tito:) And Greg - while Tito is away - I will be playing a lot of boggle so watch out! See ya guys!