Wednesday, July 23, 2014

First day of ministry

We had a great first day of work. Our medical team saw 152 patients and ran out of medicine for the day. They will bring more tomorrow.

Our children's ministry team organized today and have all the crafts ready for the kids.

We had a good, but hot day on the job site. We have a lot of new construction crew members and they all did a great job. We got 3 courses all the way around and 4 on the ends.


Unknown said...

Nice work guys! We are praying for a successful mission trip. Say hello to our son Bryan ��
Many blessings to you all

Florida said...

Thanks for keeping us posted, Greg. We enjoy the pictures and the updates. We are thankful that all is going well and we are keeping your team in our prayers. Say hi to Max. The Brommes.

Anonymous said...

Hello in joy to send greeting from sweden we from finland in many church here too in sweden with joy to tell about Christ in the HOly Spirits power and we longing revival into Scandinavien soon ,so pray for us in Jesus name with victory in the spirit ,thanks and bless,keijo sweden