Monday, March 13, 2006

Sabotage part two

I hit the send button by accident again!

Anyways, after trying to fix the motor, they had to take the engine out of the mixer and take it apart. We all had prayer over the mixer. After a while, they were able to get it working. After a prayer of thanks, we were able to get to work.

We had a great work day in spite of this setback. We were able to get the 11th course completed and half of the 12th course. We only have one and a half courses left to get the side walls completed. We will be completed with the side walls tomorrow.

End of day church picture

Rachael had a small incident today. She got her thumb pinched in between two boards and her thumbnail almost came off. It is very swollen. We had the doctor take a look at it. It is very sore, but she will be ok

Later in the day, we were working on the front door with the header. We had a few blocks on there and we we're adjusting it. Something shifted and it fell over. Bobby and I were underneath and were able to get out of the way. I got hit on the forearm with a block and only got a welt and a scrape. Later on, we had a good discussion about safety so we don't have further incident.

The medical team saw 255 patients (well 256 if you include Rachael!).

We had a great worship tonight and finished our Uno tournament. Once again, the Wolff family reigned supreme- Danielle won in the winnerw bracket from last night and Rachel won in the loser bracket. Raymond was the big loser in the winner bracket and Bobby Battistone lost in the losers bracket.

Overall, another great day. We will pray for another sucessful day with no further incidents-only blessings.

One final note-i am not able to post pictures at this point. I will try to post pictures after the fact when we get back to Texas.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow sounds like God is at work over time. Keep up the good work. The Maranatha staff are praying for you and your group.

God Bless,
David Lopez
Volunteer Projects Manager
Maranatha Volunteers International