Monday, July 20, 2015

Rainy Tuesday

The second day at the job site is always one of the toughest. First we had to pour the ring of concrete all the way around the building on the fourth course. Then we have to extend the vertical rebars up another five feet. Finally we have to put scaffolding up to reach higher on the wall. That took most of the morning. We got some of the seventh course laid up but haven't put the rebar in yet. We are a little behind schedule.

Part of the reason is that the skies opened up around 3:40 pm and started dumping rain on is. Even with the tarps, when it rains that hard, it is difficult to lay block. We didn't get any block laid after that.

And to add to that the water for all of La Chorrera is not working. It hasn't worked since yesterday and they cancelled school today. So that was challenging because we have to use water to make mortar and concrete. The crew was able to find water somewhere and we were able to keep working. We will pray for no rain and for the water system to begin working.

Our vbs team had a great first day. The local elder is fantastic and was a big help. They got way more kids than expected. We were told to expect 30 and 65 showed up!!! We hope that continues in spite of the rain

Sent from my iPhone

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