We made it to our camp with no trouble. David Woods and his family met us at the airport and we got here quickly.

The camp is nice and everyone is settled into their tents. We had two great meals and our first worship. We have a great cook and the Woods family are wonderful hosts.
Everyone's favorite bathrooms
The team is ready to go and anxious to start. They are getting to know each other. We had a first tonight in that we had someone able to recite back everyone's name, home and profession after only hearing it one time. Veronica Dorsey was the first I have ever seen do that.
We have our standard Uno game going and Claudell is already cheating.

I hope to be able to post to the Blog myself soon (Rachael is posting for me). Currently, I have been able to receive email, but not send it.
Glad to hear that you all are safely there and already playing Uno! God bless!
How exciting! Tell everyone we miss them and wish we could be there!
Leigh and Tito
I could tell you everyones name , address and whatever the other thing was first try
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