Thursday, March 10, 2011

Safely in Honduras--for the most part

Well, we have made it in and are on the bus now. We had a good flight in.

However, one of our team members, Danielle Hinds had an issue with her passport and had to remain in Houston. She has gotten her passport fixed and will fly in tomorrow. Her husband will wait for her in Honduras

We also had three bags left behind because the plane was too full. Those bags will arrive tomorrow as well. So, it may have been providential that she had an issue so that they could stay to get the bags!

Everyone else made it and we are on our four hour ride to the hotel. We have food, water and an air conditioned bus! Everyone will be wishing for the AC once we hit the jobsite tomorrow.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please!please! Mayra send to read this comment! is her friend from Brazil, Yarin! Please do not let this comment to show it!

por favor mande mensagens novas sister!!! estamos esperando que voce e eric estejam salvos por causa da tsunami no japao!
os jornais estao dizendo q a tsunami vai atingir ai tbm!! do alaska ate o chile!!!
estamos todos preocupados!!!
mande noticias pelo orkut ou facebook!!
estamos orando por vcs!!!
te amo sister!!!!
